More Revision

Since I no longer have any page restrictions, I'm now able to devote more pages to the development of my Geth Basestormer. This is the first.


  1. for the page layout everything seems spread out and slightly chaotic to me, I know you separated both the silhouette and the ideation sketches but I still see no flow, like how Tim critiqued on our finals the layout should focus on small medium and large, a pattern. Maybe make the ideation sketches much larger then the silhouettes because they are too similar in size.

  2. yeah i agree with jason. I don't understanding why you chose to layout the silhouettes into 3 different bundles. There isn't a difference in terms of style between the 3 groups so it seems almost pointless to do so.

  3. I also think that you've put too many? Maybe put less and then stick a bigger drawing to one side... :)


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