
Showing posts from February, 2013

Yet More Core

Work in progress (WIP) of Core's head, done mostly for lighting practice. The file itself is pretty large, so I might go back in with some references for veins and shark mouths and such to see if I can fiddle with the details some. I might even do a color overlay--we'll see.  Been working on figuring out how Core would shift from his quad/centaur form to his war fae form. Here's a sketch of how that process might look:

More Core

I've been struggling with Core, my war-fae--he just hasn't been looking the way I envision him in my head. This week, however, with the help of one of my friends, I was able to get a better handle on his body's layout. And thus, an AP Lit prompt paper receives new life: This isn't his finished design by any stretch of the imagination, but it's the closest I've gotten so far. Looking forwards to playing with him further, since I feel like I'm finally at a point where my technical skills are approaching what I need to translate him from my head to the paper.

Mass Effect Pages

Here's the complete set of the Mass Effect expansion pack pages--to date, anyways. I intend to keep adding to the environments/keyframes and do some more color schemes for the hammer, forklift, and character.