
Showing posts from 2013

Black Hole

Inspired by a line from Monsters of the Cosmos, a song on the Symphony of Science album. "An anomaly of science so strange, nothing is more seductive."

Dancer Doodles

Some late night doodles done while listening to music.

Shoe Project

The second project for my Intro to Industrial Design class.

Cardboard Chair

I return from hiatus with my first project from my Intro to Industrial Design class.

Journals are FUN

I've recently gotten a journal, and have taken the opportunity to play around with some more abstract imagery than what I usually deal with. It's pretty fun, though this poor Moleskine is going to end up bleeding ink by the time I'm done with it.

Doodle of the Day

I sat down to ideate mechanical arms for one of my pet characters, and then ended up getting carried away with trying to do some line shading. Ah well. I don't mind trading a new technique for a few ideations.

Squid-face faces

Working on more ideations for my squid-faces. I'm toying around with different head shapes and ways to work with the lil' feeler things. There's a half-baked idea that the older an individual is, the more deedlybobs (I'm recovering from stomach flu, you'll get the technical term later) they have on their feelers and wattles.  I'm also trying to figure out how their eating works. On one hand, I might give them a beak like an octopus; on the other, they may extrude acid/enzymes from barbs on their tongue and then slurp the whatever-it-was up like a smoothie.

Playing With Acrylics

I dug out my old acrylics (which I haven't touched in four years) and played around with them yesterday. They're nowhere near as polished-looking as my digital works, and my control was a bit off. That said, I'm happy with the colors, and the overall feel of working in a different medium was really nice to experience.


Came up with this alien design today during my free period. Their working title is 'squid-faces,' for obvious reasons. :P Looking forwards to developing these guys some more in the days to come. They're pretty fun to draw!

Yet More Core

Work in progress (WIP) of Core's head, done mostly for lighting practice. The file itself is pretty large, so I might go back in with some references for veins and shark mouths and such to see if I can fiddle with the details some. I might even do a color overlay--we'll see.  Been working on figuring out how Core would shift from his quad/centaur form to his war fae form. Here's a sketch of how that process might look:

More Core

I've been struggling with Core, my war-fae--he just hasn't been looking the way I envision him in my head. This week, however, with the help of one of my friends, I was able to get a better handle on his body's layout. And thus, an AP Lit prompt paper receives new life: This isn't his finished design by any stretch of the imagination, but it's the closest I've gotten so far. Looking forwards to playing with him further, since I feel like I'm finally at a point where my technical skills are approaching what I need to translate him from my head to the paper.

Mass Effect Pages

Here's the complete set of the Mass Effect expansion pack pages--to date, anyways. I intend to keep adding to the environments/keyframes and do some more color schemes for the hammer, forklift, and character.


Finally finished one of my most time-intensive environments (so far) for my portfolio. The linework was done back in the summer, but I've been trying to get the color down for the past week. Lots of learning was done on this one, mostly in the 'learning to play with contrast' department. I've found I really like working with warm colors.