Artist Statement

Stories can be inspirational, educational, and subversive. They have an incredible power to influence the way people see things, and it’s a power I want to harness for positive social change. Through my storytelling, I want to challenge current social inequalities through character choices and setting inspirations. As a queer mixed-race woman, I’ve spent too long without seeing myself in media to continue perpetuating the lack of meaningful representation for myself and other people in so-called “minorities.” We deserve to have our stories told. We deserve to be seen as more than a token side character with a cardboard personality. We deserve to see worlds built from our cultures and experiences, not just from the usual Anglo-Saxon norm. 

There are as many ways to tell a story as there are stories themselves. Whether I’m using images, words, or artifacts—sometimes a combination of all three—I try to strive towards what best suits the narrative at hand. I love the idea of a story that’s almost tactile in experience, something audiences can hold, something that lingers long after the telling is over. If my stories can leave that kind of an impression, they’ve done their job, and so have I.


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