Portfolio process work

I've started work on my design portfolio for applying to colleges. I'll be posting up process sketches and final works as I go for you all to see, starting with this post.

 One of the stories I'm developing for this portfolio includes an escaped lab experiment. This means I've got to have a lab. And as everyone knows, any good sci-fi lab has holding tanks for said lab experiments. Above are silhouette ideations for a holding tank.

I developed the silhouette on the top left into the one on the top right, and then had the silhouette on the bottom as my other option. I like them equally, so I decided to use both.
My protagonist is a prototype for a super soldier, so he's going to have the older-looking tank idea. The antagonists, which are the finished super-soldiers, are going to have the newer-looking tank.

Graphic breakouts for one silhouette...

...and for the other. I'm still not done with all the ideating for this particular silhouette, so expect to see more on this design in the future.


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